Hawaii Vacation Rentals

The Uplands

Elevated Island Views

Overlooking the beach and resort, The Uplands offers views of volcanoes, the ocean and the golf course. Wai'ula'ula and Kumulani properties include fitness centers with pools, showers, and restrooms. The Uplands is located a short drive from both Mauna Kea Beach Hotel and Westin Hapuna Beach Resort.


Our staff actually live and work at the locations.

We truly have the best selection of properties to stay in.

We bring over 35 years of experience to your vacation.

Rest assured.
We have flexible cancellations.

Amaui Villas

Amaui Villas

Hapuna Estates at Mauna Kea Resort

Hapuna Estates at Mauna Kea Resort

Kumulani at Mauna Kea Resort

Kumulani at Mauna Kea Resort

Moani Heights at Mauna Kea Resort

Moani Heights at Mauna Kea Resort

Wai'ula'ula at Mauna Kea Resort

Wai'ula'ula at Mauna Kea Resort