Should I Hire a Property Manager?

The dream of owning a vacation rental is appealing as it offers a steady stream of income and the joy of sharing your slice of paradise with others, but managing the rental property itself can be a complex undertaking, demanding time, organization, and a commitment to providing exceptional service. By partnering with a reputable vacation property management company, you can free up valuable time, ensure your property is well maintained, and generate consistent income. Keep reading to learn more.


By partnering with a vacation property management company, you can transform your rental property into a thriving business, ensuring a smooth and successful operation, and allowing you to reap the rewards of your investment. So, what exactly does a vacation rental property management company do? Let's delve into the services they typically provide.

  • Compelling Listings: They create captivating descriptions and high-quality photos to showcase your property's unique features and amenities, attracting potential guests on popular booking platforms.
  • Strategic Pricing: They leverage market data and competitor analysis to set optimal rental rates that maximize your income throughout the year.
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Some companies utilize targeted digital marketing strategies to reach your ideal guests and boost occupancy rates.
  • Streamlined Booking: They provide a user-friendly platform for guests to inquire, book their stay, and handle payments securely.
  • 24/7 Guest Communication: They act as the primary point of contact for guests, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable stay.

In addition to filling your rentals calendar and providing exceptional guest service, a property management company will help you maintain your vacation rental. They arrange for professional cleaning services between rentals, ensuring your property is spotless and ready for incoming guests, and perform routine inspections to identify maintenance needs promptly, preventing minor issues from escalating into larger problems. They can also stock your rental with essential supplies, creating a more comfortable and welcoming environment for guests.


Success in the vacation rental world hinges on providing exceptional service, meticulously maintaining your property, and staying informed about market trends and regulations. By carefully assessing your needs and choosing the management approach that best aligns with your goals, you can transform your vacation rental property into a thriving business and create lasting memories for your guests.

Those with limited time and/or experience who cannot dedicate themselves to the day-to-day operations of the rental, or who live far from their property and cannot be readily available for maintenance or guest concerns often opt for working with a management company. Here are a few benefits of working with a property management company. 

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your property is in good hands allows you to relax and enjoy the benefits of your vacation rental without the daily management burden.
  • Increased Revenue: Their expertise in marketing, pricing, and guest acquisition can help you maximize your rental income.
  • Convenience: A property management company handles everything from marketing and guest communication to cleaning and maintenance, freeing up your time.
  • Professional Expertise: They leverage their knowledge of the vacation rental market, local regulations, and best practices to ensure your success.

The decision ultimately hinges on your circumstances, risk tolerance, and time constraints. Consider how much time can you realistically dedicate to managing your rental property? Do you live close, or are you an absentee owner? Are you comfortable with the management fee and relinquishing some control to a property management company? Or would you rather have the convenience and experience of working with experienced folks who can maximize bookings and results? 

With local staff on site, our sales and marketing team, property management staff, and support services teams are dedicated to maximizing your property's revenue while protecting your asset. From Hawaii to the mountains of Colorado, learn more about our vacation rental property management services